Cucuteni is a large village in the country of Iasi, in the north-eastern part of Romania and is the name of most important Neo-Aeneolithic culture from the south-eastern part of Europe, appeared long time before the pyramids. The beautiful painted pottery, the splendid figurines and burnt clay idols discovered on a large area, made Cucuteni part of universal cultural patrimony. The ancient artisans saw the beauty of the geometry and knew the force of the Sky and Earth, the taste of Love and Hate. They have painted the Universal Whirls that the man must equilibrate with the action of the spirit.
The cucutenian ceramics had multiple functionality: decorative, utilitarian, ceremonial and ritual, being in the same time a well-known zonal and ethnic brand. Ionela Mihuleac, as artist born in Cucuteni, was fascinated by this art and today she hand-made cucutenian pottery by Neolithic technique of modeling and painting.